Specialists in Global Marketing regulations - From China's PIPL, the California CCPL and Europe's GDPR, we've studied the regulations so you don't have to. From current state assessments, to requirements for future campaigns, we can advise how to reach consumers across the world.
Sometimes your sales team needs that extra push, providing a solid and clearly defined execution strategy is critical to success. As lifelong sales professionals, we understand how sales people think, and what they need in a product to be successful.
We all know that maintenance and upsell of existing clients is the key to a sustainable business. Using your own data efficiently, collation, filling in the gaps with 2nd and 3rd party data, Clean Rooms and the general tech minefield is a key specialty at Elaboration.
We've worked with buyers and agencies to analyse their tech stack and overall processes in order to optimize the way they buy: Our expertise includes reviewing current tech stack utilisation,
looking at trading methodology, data usage and optimisation. We can assess additional technology solutions (DMP, identity solution, content optimiz
We've worked with buyers and agencies to analyse their tech stack and overall processes in order to optimize the way they buy: Our expertise includes reviewing current tech stack utilisation,
looking at trading methodology, data usage and optimisation. We can assess additional technology solutions (DMP, identity solution, content optimization tools, etc) both currently in use and potential to limit 'wastage' improving the buying quality and reporting across all channels.
We have experience in analysing current publisher stacks and processes providing recommendations on how to maximise yield and achieve optimal fill rate. We apply a balanced approach which is finalised to an overall year on year yield increase plan
We specialise in identifying new revenue streams and optimising revenue including how t
We have experience in analysing current publisher stacks and processes providing recommendations on how to maximise yield and achieve optimal fill rate. We apply a balanced approach which is finalised to an overall year on year yield increase plan
We specialise in identifying new revenue streams and optimising revenue including how to leverage first and third party data, strategic partnership to attract buyers' appeal, etc
We have experience in reviewing tech solutions for the purpose of investment and/or M&A. This includes: detailed review of the solution and gap analysis against similar solutions in the market, risk analysis of duplication, further monetisation upside potential and technology analysis. We're also experienced in post acquisition integration, contract duplication and staffing assessment.